Monday 16 April 2012

Behemoth Cover and Card Samples!

The deadline for the competition is looming closer than ever, so to celebrate here is the colour cover and a few card samples. I'll edit this post with a link to the sales page once it becomes available to buy. I was responsible for all game assets and artwork, and the game itself was designed by Oliver Frith. Together we are; Soft Reset Games!

Saturday 7 April 2012

Behemoth Character Profiles

Here are some sketchy character profiles I was coerced into drawing for Behemoth last night, plus a study of bronze I did to help me get ready for the colour cover. I did all of these sketches fairly quickly, aiming to get them nice and sketchy.

Wednesday 4 April 2012


As a side project, I'm helping out with a game for a competition on

The submission date is in two weeks, so I won't post the full colour cover until then. But in the meantime, here's the lineart and black and white base. I really enjoyed working on this, very different from what I usually get up to. Giant robots are cool.

Lootbrokers Progress

Update on Lootbrokers, my Major Project for university this year. So far two characters are (mostly) done, next up is the Foppish Count, modelled here by my lovely assistant Oliver. 

Sketches Dump

Big 'ol Studies Update

Haven't updated in a very long time, even longer than I thought. Dump of anything half-worth posting incoming.